Saturday, October 4, 2008

What Sort of Website Should I Create to Earn Money?

What Sort of Website Should I Create to Earn Money?
Website to make in order to earn a web income
What Sort of Website Should I Create In Order to Earn Money?by Christopher Heng,
Over the years that I have run, I've had some visitors writing to me to ask what sort of website they should create in order to earn money. I hate to say it, but this sort of question has got the cart before the horse.
To put it bluntly, if a person were to take this perspective when creating a website, unless he/she is a seasoned webmaster with lots of know-how (in which case he/she won't be asking me this question), chances are that the site won't earn very much, if at all.
The question to ask is not whether people will give you money but whether you have anything original and useful to offer them. In a sense, cyberspace is an reflection of the real physical world. And no wonder, since the same real physical people surf it. Like things in the real world, if you have nothing to offer, others will have nothing to give you in return.
What Makes a Successful Webmaster?
I know that there are a lot of misconceptions going on about what you can earn from a website. Some people read the (very) few success stories of people who have made it big, and think, "Gee, I want to quit my day job, work from home and make a fortune."
To put things in perspective, so that you don't get fooled by others' bragging, here are some things you should know about the people who have succeeded on the Internet:
Only a Very Small Percentage of Websites Make It Big
There are very few people among the millions of websites and webmasters who have actually made it big. The majority of websites on the Internet don't really make their owners any useful money, if at all. I have new webmasters who tell me that they make less than $50 in their good months. I say this not to discourage you, but so that you can be realistic in your expectations.
You Must Be Willing to Work Hard Over a Period of Years
Those who have succeeded have worked very hard and persevered over a period of time, usually years. They may pretend they can relax now, but they have probably slaved away at their sites over the years.
You Need Some Talent, Skill, Knowledge or Ability in Your Field
Those who have succeeded had talent, skills, knowledge and abilities in their areas of specialization. As a result they could create original content, and not a stale rehash of existing information. Their experience in their field also gave them insight into their users' needs and they could adjust and cater to it.
You Need a Passion for Your Work
The successful webmasters love their work. They enjoy the things that their website dealt with, and thus are enthusiastic when working on it. This is one of the reasons why these successful webmasters don't seem to realize that they are working like dogs on their sites. They enjoy the work and so don't define it as work. When you ask them how many hours a day they work, they think hard and say, "oh, maybe one or two hours", because those were the hours they actually spent updating the website. But they forget to count the umpteen hours every day they spent learning, researching, experimenting and planning before it culminated in those "one or two hours" of updating.
A website is not a shortcut to fame and fortune. If you work on one long enough, you'll realize that it's exactly like the real world.
What Makes a Successful Website?
A website that is successful has these characteristics:
It has Original or Unique Content
There are thousands, if not millions, of websites on the web rehashing the same old content or selling the same old things. This is probably even more so today with blogs being so easy to create. Those sites more or less talk about the same old stuff everywhere, or sell the same old things in the same old way. A reputable and successful website is one that creates original and new content, or provides some outstanding service, or sells something unique, and thus stands out from the crowd.
It has Useful Content
Original and unique content in and of itself is pointless if it is of no use to anyone. Note that "use" does not necessarily mean that others need to be able to take direct action based on your content. Even blogs that tell of (say) your struggle with some particular issue in your life (be it office politics or relationship problems) can be considered useful to others because it helps them understand or cope with their own problems. So when I say "useful" I mean it in the broadest possible sense.
What Type of Site Should I Create?
Basically, in order for you to be able to create an original website of value to others, you must know something about the field on which your site will focus. You should also be interested in that area, because you're going to have to slave away at it for a long time before it even begins to show signs of bearing fruit. A site on something you only have a superficial interest in will wither away as your own interest fades.
In other words:
Create a website in an area you have interest and experience in. A website in the same field as your day job is one possibility.
Even if you think that you're a hopeless good-for-nothing who only knows how to play games, all is not lost. Create a website about games. If you like games so much, chances are that you will know a lot of stuff about games and what gamers want. In fact, you will be very well poised to create such a site.
Think about what you do most of the time in your day or free time. No, I don't mean couch-potatoing. What are your professional qualifications? What are the things that interest you? What are the things on which you are an authority among your friends? These are the things that you will be able to create a website about.
Even if your skills relate only to the real world, for example, you are good at (say) flower arrangement, you can create a website about that. In such cases, you might want to invest in things like a digital camera, if you don't already have one, a webcam or a digicam, so that your site can have pictures or videos about your hobby.
For the Person Who Has Nothing to Offer
At the very worst, if you really feel that you have absolutely no education, no interests and no talents, consider starting a personal blog.
I'm sure some experienced webmasters will probably be very annoyed at me for giving such advice, since it means that there will be another pointless blog polluting the web. But I see this way: after blogging for a while, some people are able to discover areas in which they are interested or good at. Look at all your blog entries after a few months. Do the majority of them fall into some particular category? If so, the topics you tend to talk about are an indication of your interest (or obsession). In any case, whether or not you discover your area of expertise this way, you will still have a website in the end, since a blog is a website.
Or is writing a blog too hard as well? I'm not kidding as I say this, since I know that not everyone is a Shakespeare wannabe just bursting to put their latest sonnet on the web. If you are the visual kind of person, prefering to paint or draw, or the photography-loving sort of person, put your pictures on your site. Or perhaps you speak better than you write. Use a microphone and record your spoken words, and put it on a blog as a sort of audio blog or web radio broadcast. If you have a good on-camera presence, you can use your webcam and create a video blog, which is a blog consisting of videos instead of written words.
Points to Consider When Starting a Website
Generally, if you really want your site to be successful or at least earn you some sort of useful income, consider the following.
Don't go for areas with lots of competition.
Go for some niche where there are fewer websites. If you can create a site in such an area, you will thrive. After all, you will be one of the few sites that deal with that topic. Anyone looking for information on that area will end up on your site sooner or later. You will effectively have a captive audience. More accurately, you will have all the audience.
How do you figure out where competition is thickest?
Look at the spam topics in your mailbox. If possible, don't create sites on topics that spammers love - chances are that the Internet is rife with such websites so any new site you create will not even appear on the radar. There are so many sites on pharmaceuticals, gambling and the like with many seasoned players that getting ahead in the industry is difficult.
Avoid making websites for webmasters, if you can, since such sites are also overwhelmingly plentiful. Maintaining a site in this field is a never-ending uphill climb. I speak from painful, first-hand experience on this, since operates in that field.
(Another thing that I can tell you from experience is that webmaster sites tend to have lousy income from advertising. I'm sure you've heard the saying that doctors make the worst patients. Well, webmasters make the worst targets for web ads. They have seen so many banners in their life that they have a tendency not to notice them.)
Areas that are only recently developing on the web, are good places to explore.
Take the music and movie-making industry for example. Not long ago, you needed a recording company to make your own music and get it distributed. Nowadays, you can just use a microphone, and record and edit your own music. You don't need EMI or even American Idol to help you on your way. You can put your music on the web and draw fans without the help of a single recording contract. All your income is your own.
Similarly, movie-making used to be the provenance of companies with huge budgets. Not any more. Advances in digital technology make capturing and editing videos doable on the average desktop PC. The easy availability of free movie distribution sites and the ease of creating your own site, means that you don't need Hollywood anymore to distribute your own blockbusters. (Search for "fan films" on a search engine if you don't believe me.)
But of course, while these areas are fast-growing, if you want to get on the bandwagon, you should get on it soon. Although the old gigantic industry players still haven't got their act together (at the time I write this), they will eventually wake up, stop fighting the Internet and start taking advantage of it.
Note that I'm not saying that you should go into the music or movie-making industry if that's not your area of expertise (unless you plan to put your bathroom-singing onto the web). I'm saying that if you cannot find an area where you are a total monopoly (the dream of every webmaster), you should look for areas that are only just growing but have not yet come into full bloom.
Enough, Already. Where Do I Start?
Once you've figured out your niche, get started. If you don't know what to do, start by reading my comprehensive step by step guide on making your website at
The rest, as they say, is history. But for now, it's future history (until you get going).
All the best for your site!
Copyright © 2008 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.Get more free tips and articles like this, on web design, promotion, revenue and scripting, from
If you find this article useful, please consider making a donation.

How to Insert Google AdSense Advertisements into Your Blog

How to Insert Google AdSense Advertisements into Your Blog on Bloggerby Christopher Heng,
Following my article on How to Add Google Advertisements (Google AdSense) to Your Blog or Website, I received queries from a few visitors on how they can integrate the AdSense ads into their blogs. This tutorial deals with the procedure for blogs hosted on Blogger.
Assumptions Made in This Article
I will assume here that you already have a blog hosted on Blogger. For those who don't know, Blogger is one of the many free blogging web hosts around.
Another assumption that I will make here is that you already have an AdSense account. If not, read my general article on How to Add Google Advertisements to Your Blog or Website first. You may also want to read the article How to Make Money From Your Website to get a general idea of the different ways of earning money through advertising on your website. Or, if you're already an old-hand at such things, just sign up.
Steps to Enabling AdSense Ads on Your Blogger Blog
Log into your Blogger account.
Click the "Layout" link under your blog name on the Dashboard. If you don't have such a link, go to your Templates page for your blog and click the "AdSense" tab.
If you have clicked the "Layout" link earlier, you will now be given a choice of where to place your advertisments. For example, if you want to put your ad in the side column click the "Add a Page Element" link in that column. If you want it at the bottom of the page, click the similarly named link at the bottom.
A new window will open, allowing you to choose the type of page element you want to add. Click the checkbox beside "AdSense". You will be brought to yet another page when you do that. Look for the "Sign in" link and click it. Enter your AdSense login and password to log into your AdSense account.
Note: Those who had to click an "AdSense" tab in the first step will not have the choice of choosing where to place your advertisements. If that's the case for you, just skip to the next step.
Once you have signed in, you will be brought to a screen that allows you to choose the size and colour scheme of your advertisements. A preview window underneath your selection shows you what your advert will look like.
When you're done, click the "Save changes" button.
That's it. When you next check out your blog, you should be able to see your advertisements.
Copyright © 2008 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.Get more free tips and articles like this, on web design, promotion, revenue and scripting, from
If you find this article useful, please consider making a donation.

एअर्ण मनी विथ Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs
Earn money from your website by getting sponsors and advertisers
You are here: (main page) > Free Webmaster Resources > Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Programs: Free Sponsors and Advertisers for Your Website
If you are looking for advertisers and sponsors for your website, one way is to join the affiliate programs of the companies that are looking for sites that will host their advertisements. The list below include some individual affiliate programs as well as a number of affiliate networks (which will allow you to join the affililate programs of many companies). The programs listed below are free (unless explicitly stated otherwise), that is to say, there is no charge for joining them (in fact, they pay you). Note though that it is not always easy to join since some networks and programs require you to have a minimum number of visitors to your site, and many of them require you to have your own domain name.
You can get more information about the terminology used on this page as well as how to get started from the following articles:
How to Make Money from Your Website - basic primer plus some good tips
Increasing Your Revenue from Affiliate Programs - more tips on improving your revenue
You should probably be aware that not all affiliate programs are equal. Some are scams - you advertise for them, but somehow you never wind up getting paid. A few change their Terms and Conditions after a period of time (when they already owe you a large amount) to suddenly exclude your site and conveniently not honour payments for the sales they previously made through you. I've already been victims of three such schemes. Needless to say, those programs are no longer listed on this page.
If your intention is to sell goods or services from your site, and not merely to obtain advertisers, you may also be interested in my article on How to Accept Credit Card Payments from your Website.
If you don't have your own domain name, and are considering one, check out the following articles:
How to Choose Your Domain Name - there's more than meets the eye here
How to Register Your Own Domain Name - includes a list of registrars and reviews
My Biggest Website Regrets - don't make the same mistakes I did
The information provided on this page comes without any warranty whatsoever. Use it at your own risk. Just because a program, book, document or service is listed here or has a good review does not mean that I endorse or approve of the program or of any of its contents. All the other standard disclaimers also apply.
Affiliate Programs: Sponsors and Advertisers for Your Website
This company is used by many vendors to sell their software products. It allows affiliates to put links to these products on their website and earn commission for purchases made through those links.
LinkShare Corporation
This is a network of affiliate programs that handles accounts from a large number of advertisers. The rates of payments vary from advertiser to advertiser, with most paying commission for sales made. Associate Program
Fancy selling books on your website? If so, the well-known provides an affiliate program that pays you referral fees on books sold. The usually heard complaint about this program is that visitors would usually just note the book on the Amazon site, or bookmark the Amazon site itself, and return at some later time to buy the book. When that happens, the purchase is not registered as having come through your site, so you lose the referral fees on that sale. There's no referral program. Note that it is apparently not easy to earn much from this scheme, and many sites report disappointing performance (as compared to other affiliate programs).
Google AdSense
This program displays advertisements on your site relevant to the content of the page you placed the supplied code on. You are paid according to the number of clicks the ads (PPC - pay per click) on your page receive. It also provides you the ability to filter out competitors' ads. I also have a beginner's tutorial on how to join this program: How to Add Google Advertisements (Google AdSense) to Your Blog or Website. Specific tutorials for putting AdSense into your site in different web editors are also available for Dreamweaver, KompoZer and Nvu. Blogger users can also read my Blogger-specific AdSense tutorial.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Contextual Advertising: Alternatives To Google Ads

Want to make more money by monetizing your site with ad networks other than Google Adsense?Have you received the proverbial 'invalid click' pink slip and been dumped by Google Adsense? Maybe you're not seeing an adequate return on your Adsense ads and want to see whether you can do BETTER with something other than Adsense? Or perhaps you haven't figured out how to replace those Public Service ads and want to elimate them?If THAT's the case, you can load an alternate ad when Google can't find a matching ad. Just set the google_alternate_ad_url variable in your AdSense layout code:google_alternate_ad_url = "/adsense-alternate-ad.shtml";Otherwise, here is a nice list of Google AdSense alternatives.And by the way, regardless of the list...adagency1Adagency1 offers 70% payout - net 60 days via Stormpay. To qualify: site must be written in English site must have 15,000 or more monthly impressions. site must be professionally designed and include useful content site must have top level domain ( site cannot contain any adult content site can not infringe on any personal, intellectual property, or copy rights 1-AdBriteRevenue split is 75/25 in your favor. There are two distinct things you can do with AdBrite -- buy ad space and/or sell ad space.Advertisers can choose relevant sites on which to advertise on a PPC basis.Publishers can sell ad space, and approve or reject every ad that's purchased for your site. Place a "Your Ad Here" link on your site to sell the space.2-Advertising.comSelect offers from a diverse range of advertiser partners and ad placement options including: WebSelect: Select from cost-per-click, cost-per-acquisition and revenue-share offers. We provide you with real-time reporting and net 15 payouts. RegSelect: Co-registration platform enables affiliates to supplement their registration path with advertiser offers. will host and serve creatives and landing pages to your site.3-Affiliate SensorTired of cutting and pasting Clickbank merchants affiliate codes into your pages? You can now earn Clickbank revenue by signing up for Affiliate Sensor's free program. Choose from over 10,000 of Clickbank's products using Affiliate Sensor's context-relevant, text-link affiliate ads. You just have to paste a little javascipt on your pages. Ads are sorted to display the best performing products on top. Learn more about Affiliate Sensor4-AllFeedsDisplay over 25,000 advertisers in various ways: Contextual ads, Popaway ads, Text Links, DHTML Popaways, and a Free Web Site Portal. Place news, sports, and weather on your site.Pays 60% of bid prices. Must earn $25.00 before check will be cut.Allfeeds can be integrated into your Google Adsense code to replace public service ads.5-Searches go to, which look to be TE-generated pages and of little value.Search the Web ------------------ Google Yahoo/MSN Altavista Search the News Weather Amazon 6-AzoogleAdsOusted from the CJ network in December 2005 for being "non-compliant" and because CJ "identified a series of isolated violations with Azoogle and has worked closely with them to rehabilitate and make the necessary corrections, to no avail", AzoogleAds continues on as a CPA network that places great emphasis on lead generation through email marketing.In addition to offering third-party affiliate program management, AzoogleAds' in-house programs center around debt relief, credit card assistance, satellite dishes, dating, car quotes and loans, and extended warranties. 7-BidClixA bid-for-placement model, BidClix enables enables publishers to maximize yield by selling their advertising inventory to the highest bidder. Ads can be served as banners, towers and pop-unders. Unlike pay-for-placement search engines (such as Overture, Google, FindWhat), BidClix does not sell keywords or search results. 8-Pays Net 15. As of April 2005, BidClix had over 5,200 registered publishers, 10,400 registered advertisers and served approximately 1.1 billion ads per month, reaching an estimated 25 million individual consumers in the US and international markets.9-BidvertiserPays monthly, by check or PayPal with a minimum of only $10. All ads are pre-approved by Bidvertiser's editorial team, but you can block unwanted ads as well. Only the highest bidders' ads are shown on your site. Detailed reports are available. Note: Yet another merchant/advertiser that doesn't recognize countries with states and provinces outside the U.S. :-( (Try putting Canada in the drop-down folks!) 10-Buds MediaPays 60% of gross, Net 30, via PayPal, Check, Wire,Xoom etc. Remove unwanted campaigns, and opt-out of broad 'unsavory' categories such as Active X ,SpyWare, 728 banners, Banner/pop combos, Wide Skyscrapers and Gambling ads. 11--Burst! MediaBURST! delivers more than 4 billion monthly advertising impressions, across 477 content channels, for its more than 2,000 specialty-content web sites.Eligibility:Represent specialty content. Portals, search engines, and sites of links to other people's content generally do not meet the criteria. Have at least 5,000 page views per month. Site language must be English. Have a publicly stated privacy policy. Agree to post BURST!'s Demographic Survey somewhere on the site. Reside on its own top-level domain. NO content or links to adult or sexually explicit content. No unmoderated content.Casale MediaYour site must receive more than 10,000 unique visitors per month, attract an English-based audience, and be hosted under a root domain to qualify for Casale.Pays 70%, Net 30.Chitika eMiniMallsAlthough they serve up the most attractive contextual ads, the jury still seems to be out on the Chitika eMiniMalls network.With many affiliates reporting income audits with losses of 30 - 50% of their expected Chitika earnings, numerous publishers have pulled the plug on this fledgling contextual advertiser, still in beta.While Chitika publishes Net 30 payments, so far that hasn't been the case, and to make matters worse, rather than sending publishers notice of this contraventionof their terms of service, they merely posted in on their blog. Maybe they haven't heard about 'blog to email' yet? Follow the boards on this one though and cross your fingers that they rise to meet their initial expectations. ClaxonClaxon Media pays 85% of gross on the 15th and 30th of each month check, wire, or PayPal. Offers multiple ad formats, accurate stats, and the ability to preview ads, opt out of ads, and set up defaults. Hurray! They also guarantee "speedy replies to questions and the best customer service possible".ClickcentPays 65% - on 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPalNon-exclusive, no volume contracts required.ClicksorPays up to 85% of the advertising revenues, net 15 terms on a bi-weekly schedule. Check (min. payout: $50), or PayPal (min. payout: $20). Media includes Text Banners, Graphic Banners, Pop-Under Advertisements, Search box and XML feed to host on websites or blogs. ContextCashContext Cash was developed by Michel Fortin, famous for writing some of the best pulling sales letters of internet marketers like John Reese and Frank Kern. Context Cash now works with Amazon and Clickbank, and modules for Ebay, and other affiliate programs are to be added soon.ContextClickCanadian company offering 65% payouts at Net 45. Payments by check, wire transfer and PayPal Earn 5% on both advertiser and publisher account referralscontextWeb ContextAdTargeted ads are rotated across your Web site are optimized based on relevance, performance, and price. Pays 50% (fifty percent) of the net revenues for countable clicks. May provide Advertisers with free bonus impressions or clicks.Pays within 15 days of the end of the month during which the cumulative total exceeds $25 (USD).DynamiContext (Kontera)Payments via check in US Dollars on balances over $100 US. Who knows what percentage they actually pay? Enhance Interactive TopLinks™TopLinks™ pulls the most popular Enhance Interactive advertisers (based on the content of each page) and displays them in an advertisement form. Media includes pop-ups, pop unders, sidebars, skyscrapers or banners, or button/text links. Commission is paid out every 30 days. FastclickEarn up 65-percent on all advertising revenue your website generates. Fastclick pays by the 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPal. No fees, exclusivity contracts, volume contracts or serving charges. Note: Pretty much a pain to try and sign up for. They turned me down the first time... apparently the person responsible for doing site reviews, DOESN'T do site reviews. A phone call is required if you're really interested.Hurricane Digital MediaPays 60% on non-exclusive agreements, 75% on exclusive, without monthly minimum impression volume requirements. Net 45. Kanoodle BrightAdsKanoodle BrightAds ContextTarget™ and BehaviorTarget™ sponsored links are mapped to "topics" and "segments," not to keywords, which matches the content of your site to hand-picked areas of interest. Pays a 50% share of the advertiser's charge. PayPal Payments.Mamma Media Solutions50% revenue share based on pay-per-click search results from Mamma Branded Search Box, co-branded site/search or XML-Based Content Delivery. MIVA AdRevenue XpressAdd relevant content through predefined keyword searches, a co-branded search box or category and directory searches based on site content.MIVA pays within thirty (30) days of the end of the calendar month in which MIVA receives the revenue, on balances $25.00 and over.I was unable to locate a percentage value for the amount pays its publishers on contextual advertising.NixieRuns an exclusive offer - "website using Nixxie ads may not publish on its web pages advertising from competing advertising companies". Note: Unable to locate ANY payment terms on their site.Quigo AdSonarPays thirty (30) days of the end of the calendar month during which Quigo collects any Click Through Revenue, Quigo will pay to Publisher a percentage of Net Revenue set forth in the version of the Agreement that is presented to Publisher after Publisher receives a user name and password, minus any applicable withholdings.Note: Doesn't specify WHAT percentage of net revenue is paid.RealCast MediaAdvertising Size and Location. All banners must be placed above the fold on your web site screen. Banners must be viewable without scrolling...I don't think so...RealTechNetworkNet 60. Requirements: At least 25,000 impressions per month (12,500 Unique). Root level domain name (Http:// ). 80% US/UK/CAN audience, however, will pay for all international traffic. No applications from free e-mail accounts (I.E. email @ will be proccessed.Referal network - Earn 5% of referred advertiser's expenditure and 5% of referred publisher's earnings for life of referral. Revenue PilotYou will be paid 60% of each search term bidded value. That means that if keyword "flowers" is bidded at $1, you will automatically earn 60 cents from that click. Payments are processed on the first business day after the last billing period. You will get paid within 60 business days via US check for the previous month's earnings or choose PayPal. Minimum payout amount is $25.00Referal program pays 10% of all earnings from accounts that are referred by you. RightMediaRight Media serves ads through Yield Manager, which is their auction-based transactional platform. Note: Not your standard ad agency site. TONS of good info, but I found it nearly impossible to find the signup form!SearchFeedTwo ways to monetize with either the "Search Engine Generator" or as a "Category Chaser".Search box and a specialized results page match the look of your site.Referal program offeres monthly commissions of up to 7% for advertisers and up to 5% for affiliates - based on actual click activity for each new advertiser and/or affiliate who joins one of's services. Board comments: "Will accept any type of site, but don't expect more than a penny per click".TargetPointYou are guaranteed to receive at least 50% of the total on–click revenue. Payment options include bank checks, PayPal and Wire transfers (if eligible). Traffic MarketplacePays 65% of the revenue your site's users generate. Reports that top publishers are earning over $10,000 per month. Net-30 terms.Tribal FusionTribal Fusion™ pays publishers 55% of all revenue secured by your site. Payment terms are net 45. Tribal Fusion™ will issue and mail you a check 45 days after the last day of the month during which your site generated more than $50 in net revenue. ValueClickCommission Junction's parent company, use the "IAB" methodology for measuring impressions, clicks, leads and acquisitions, and payments are based upon delivery in accordance with these measurements and tracking data calculated by ValueClick. On the first day of each month, ValueClick will total all accumulated data for the previous month. Payments made Net 30 to Publishers who have earned more than $30.00 .VeodaVeoda's rates start at 60% and top partners can receive up to 90% per click. Average small to medium website owners receive 80% per click.Vibrant Media IntelliTXT & SmartAdsContextually relevant banner ads are dynamically delivered (see pic below) adjacent to immediate editorial content. Publishers receive fixed CPM for all paid SmartAD units served on the site. Yahoo Publisher NetworkTo be considered for the Yahoo! Publisher Network beta program, you must have a valid U.S. Social Security or Tax ID number, and web site content that is predominantly in English and targeted at a U.S. user base.

Selling Stuff On Ebay Is Easy.

Selling stuff on eBay is easy. Selling stuff on eBay is easy. Most of us have heard reports about how some individuals and businesses are making massive incomes from selling on eBay. But like any other business there’s no magic formula to instant success. You need to learn the ropes first. Start small and work your way up.Sole traders and big companies are using eBay as a way increase their sales. But it’s not a guaranteed way to make money online. There are charges to consider before calculating the profits you might expect from selling through their auction pages. If you’re new to the concept of selling on eBay I suggest you read their guidelines thoroughly. Make a note of their listing and selling fees and consider all other costs you might encounter regarding postage, packing and the use of payment processing services such as Pay Pal.Try testing response rates by putting a small, select number of items up for auction first. Choose products that allow you to realise a good profit margin. After eBay’s listing and selling fees, plus delivery and payment processing charges are taken into consideration, there should still be room for making a profit. At the same time, choose products that you can afford to make a small loss on if necessary. After all, if they don’t sell you will still need to pay the listing fee. You could even lose money on the sale if you don’t follow some simple rules to minimise losses.Whole books have been written about how to trade successfully on eBay. One of the most popular ebooks available online is written byJim Cockrum, the author of ‘The silent sales machine hiding on ebay’ His experience and techniques have helped many people to make money using the most popular auction site online. Another good source of advice is Ken Evoy’s Make Your Net Auction Sell. With the information provided by these two bestselling authors, and by getting some basic experience of trading on eBay, you will soon learn to see the possibilities of making money from online auctions.Once you become proficient at selling on eBay you might consider approaching companies and manufacturers who are willing to provide you with supplies of their products for you to sell on their behalf. Providing you can negotiate a suitable selling fee with room for a good profit margin, then finding a niche product that proves to be popular can lead you to a goldmine.Some ebayers are turning over tens of thousands of dollars in revenue every month! Some have even closed down their offline trading premises to trade solely on eBay. Such is the success of the eBay phenomenon.The most successful merchants on eBay are known as ‘power sellers’ Next time you visit eBay look out for the power sellers and take notice of how they run their business. Take particular note of how they promote their products using powerful descriptive headlines and text, as well as high quality images that showcase their products to the best advantage. Their excellent after sales service and customer relations help them achieve a top feedback rating which builds trust among new and old customers alike, who are happy to deal with them again and again. Emulate their success by following the same techniques and principles they employ to make big sales.

50 Ways to Make Money Blogging

50 Ways to Make Money BloggingPay Per Click (PPC)PPC ads pay out when a reader clicks on the ad. The payouts typically vary based on a number of factors including the type of ad, the value of the keywords that generated the ad, the click through rate (CTR) for the blog, and the age of the blog. Google’s Adsense is the most widely recognized and used PPC program, but there are other options.Google’s Adsense program is perhaps the single biggest reason for the explosive growth of blogs. A blogger can insert Adsense code into a post or sidebar and begin earning money immediately.! Publisher is similar to Google’s Adsense, but not as widely used. The only bloggers I know using Yahoo! Publisher are those that are banned from Google’s Adsense for violating its Terms of Service. is another alternative to Adsense. Unlike Adsense which only pays out once a blogger has earned $100 (which took me 5 to 6 months), BidVertiser pays out at $10. Clicksor offers several different types of ads, including text banner ads similar to Adsense and inline text ads. Shopping NetworksShopping networks is my designation for affiliate programs that offer you the ability to advertise a wide variety of products on your sites. Most of these programs pay out a percentage of sales generated from your site, although Chitika is a pay per click program.Amazon is well known for books, but you can buy just about anything from Amazon. As an affiliate program, it pays bloggers a percentage of sales, beginning at 4% but quickly increasing to 6% and more depending on the number of items sold each month. You can insert text links into posts or banner ads to promote just about anything. Chitika offers PPC ads based on the subject of the post or blog in which they appear. Here’s an example of what a Chitika ad would look like in an article about investing: WidgetBucks is very similar to Chitika except that its ads tend to take more advantage of images. is a PPC program that pays bloggers per click to drive traffic to various merchants. pays up to 7% commission on sales generated through your site. Similar to Amazon, you can promote merchandise sold at Overstock on your blog or website. Shopzilla is similar to Amazon and Overstock. Ebay offers two ways to generate income. First, you earn a commission if somebody registers for Ebay through a link on your site. Second, you earn 50% of the commission Ebay receives when the winner bidder for an item clicked through to Ebay from your site. You can insert both text and banner ads to promote products for sale on Ebay. Affiliate OffersLike Amazon, affiliate offers provide an opportunity to promote products or services on your site. As an affiliate, you typically earn a percentage of the revenue generated or a fixed fee per sale. In addition to the shopping networks listed above, there are affiliate companies you can join that offer dozens if not hundreds of different affiliate programs. The benefit is that you get access to hundreds of products and services through each affiliate that you join. Here are the major players to consider:Commission Junction is arguably the best known online advertising company. Through CJ, you can promote everything from credit cards to Apple products to clothing. Card Offers is one of my favorite affiliate programs. It allows you to promote credit cards and provides a wealth of information about each card offer. Payouts are good and the folks at Card Offers are very helpful. As with every affiliate program I’ve ever used, it’s free to join. CommissionSoup is similar to CJ, but it focuses on financial products, which are ideal of personal finance and investing blogs. PepperJam gets an A+ for the coolest user interface. It offers a number of great affiliates. For a limited time, it is offering a $10 bonus for those that join PepperJam and $10 for every post those bloggers who have joined the program write about PepperJam. I don’t write paid reviews (and no, I didn’t get $10 from PepperJam to write this), but if you want to write paid posts, PepperJam is a great place to start. And quite apart from this incentive, it offers some very good affiliate programs to promote. LinkShare offers a variety of products and services you can promote. I joined LinkShare initially because of the ShareBuilder affiliate program. AzoogleAds gets high marks from a lot of super affiliates. Some of the more prominent affiliate programs it offers are Vonage, GE, and Blockbuster. ClickBank is just another option with many affiliate programs to promote. Never Blue Ads is one I signed up for but have never really used. Like ClickBank, it tends to promote affiliates that are outside of the mainstream. Depending on the content of your blog, though, it may be a great choice. There are many other companies that publishers can sign up with and gain access to dozens of affiliate programs, but the list above represents some of the more popular programs.Inline Contextual AdsYou can add code to your blog that will automatically search each article and create text links on keywords to promote products. You then get paid when a user clicks on one of the links. Amazon has a similar tool where your payment is based on a percentage of sales. Apart from Amazon, here are two of the big names with this type of advertising.Intellitxt by Vibrant Media “reads web pages and double-underlines words and word-phrases dynamically and in real time. The code is installed by publishers into their sites and does not require any additional code, adware or spyware to be downloaded or uploaded by a user.” One thing to note about Vibrant Media is that your blog or website must receive 500,000 page views a month to qualify. If you site isn’t there yet, check out the next option. Kontera does the same thing as Intellitxt, but you don’t need 500,000 page views to qualify. You can check out a demo of Kontera here Text LinksText link ads are similar to inline contextual ads, except they often are listed in the sidebar or footer of your site, not within the articles themselves. I should warn you here that Google will penalize your site for text link ads. It’s an odd thing that Google seems to have gone after those selling text link placement and not those buying them. Search on terms like “credit cards” or “payday loans,” and I guarantee you the first page results are websites spending tons of money on text links. While Google seems to have closed its corporate eyes on the buyers, it will hammer some small site trying to earn a few bucks if it detects a paid link. That said, here are some sites to consider if you want to earn money with paid text links.Text Link Ads DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum Text-Link-Brokers TNX LinkWorth Clicksor SmartLinks You can also sell your own text links directly with the websites looking to buy them. Just put contact information on your blog, and eventually you will start getting e-mail inquires. Although I do not sell text links on The Dough Roller, direct sales with the advertiser are the most profitable way to make money with text links because you do not have to split the revenue with a text link broker such as LinkWorth or Text Link Ads.Pay Per PostCompanies will pay you a per post fee to write reviews about their products or services. This is not something I’ve done, but I know a number of bloggers who have. My only suggestion here is to make clear in the article that it is a paid review.Review Me Sponsored Reviews Pay Per Post LoudLaunch BlogVertise Smorty Ad NetworksAd Networks are companies that offer a variety of advertisers for your site and usually pay on a per impression basis. You may see the designation eCPM, which refers to earnings per 1,000 page impressions, although most networks offer a variety of ways to monetize a site. These networks also typically offer a variety of ad formats. Some of the major players in this space include the following:Casale Media Burst Media Value Click BlogHerAds (Note: While the ad company is geared toward female bloggers, it does accept applications from anybody.) Tribal Fusion Gorilla Nation Blue Lithium Pop-Up AdsAs the name suggests, pop-up ads appear on a users screen when they visit your site. The user can either click on the ad or close it to continue to your site. If you want to ad pop-ups to your site, there are several options to consider. As with many advertising options, those listed below offer a variety of ad formats, not just pop-up ads.PopupAd PayPopup Other Ways to Make Money BloggingPheedo enables you to place advertisements in your site’s feed, including a Feedburner feed. Until recently, there were few options to monetize a Feedburner feed, and none was all that terrific. Google has just started permitting publishers to ad Adsense to feeds. Pheedo places banner ads in feeds. Vizu Answers enables you to add polls to your site to ask your readers anything you want. By itself, polls are a great way to engage your readers, and I’ve used a poll WordPress plugin on this site from time to time. With Vizu Answers, however, you can also incorporate market research polls into your site that can generate revenue. ING Direct Savings Referrals allow you to offer readers a $25 bonus when the sign up for an ING Direct savings or checking account, and you get $10. You must have an ING Direct account. You can then use the Refer-a-Friend feature to email links to yourself. Simply copy the links into your site for readers to use to sign up for an ING Direct account. ScratchBack has a unique way for bloggers to make money. Using their code, you add a widget to your blog that allows others to tip you through paypal, and in exchange, they get a link within the widget on your site. This is not a traditional text link ad, but you are being tipped in exchange for a text link. Now at this point you are probably feeling cheated because I promised 50 ways to make money blogging, but have only listed 48. Well, the rest is up to you. If you know of another way to generate income from blogging, leave a comment or send me an email. If you are a blogger and I add your idea to the article, I’ll include a link back to your site.

Tips for Selecting a Good Affiliate Program to Pro

Tips for Selecting a Good Affiliate Program to Promote 1. Affiliate programs that are associated with many experts in that particular niche usually are in certain level of standard and quality. Joining one of these programs will assure you that the products of the program you will be promoting are in good standard.2. The program that is catering to a growing target market. This will ensure you that there will be more and continuous demands for your referrals. Ask question. There are forums and discussions you can participate in to get good and reliable feedbacks.3. A program with a compensation plan that pays out a residual income and a payout of 30% or more would be a great choice. There are some programs offering this kind of compensation. Look closely for one. Do not waste your time with programs that do not reward substantially for your efforts.4. Be aware of the minimum quotas that you must fulfill or sales target that is too hard to achieve. Some affiliate programs imposes pre-requisites before you get your commissions. Just be sure that you are capable of attaining their requirements.5. Ask for program recommendations in the community forum of your niche. The experienced marketers who see your question may recommend you the reliable programs they have success with. Other things you can ask about are like is the program offers a real and viable product? Does the program provide a lot of free tools and resources helpful to affiliate? and any other questions you think are essential.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Selling stuff on eBay is easy.

Selling stuff on eBay is easy. Most of us have heard reports about how some individuals and businesses are making massive incomes from selling on eBay. But like any other business there’s no magic formula to instant success. You need to learn the ropes first. Start small and work your way up.Sole traders and big companies are using eBay as a way increase their sales. But it’s not a guaranteed way to make money online. There are charges to consider before calculating the profits you might expect from selling through their auction pages. If you’re new to the concept of selling on eBay I suggest you read their guidelines thoroughly. Make a note of their listing and selling fees and consider all other costs you might encounter regarding postage, packing and the use of payment processing services such as Pay Pal.Try testing response rates by putting a small, select number of items up for auction first. Choose products that allow you to realise a good profit margin. After eBay’s listing and selling fees, plus delivery and payment processing charges are taken into consideration, there should still be room for making a profit. At the same time, choose products that you can afford to make a small loss on if necessary. After all, if they don’t sell you will still need to pay the listing fee. You could even lose money on the sale if you don’t follow some simple rules to minimise losses.Whole books have been written about how to trade successfully on eBay. One of the most popular ebooks available online is written byJim Cockrum, the author of ‘The silent sales machine hiding on ebay’ His experience and techniques have helped many people to make money using the most popular auction site online. Another good source of advice is Ken Evoy’s Make Your Net Auction Sell. With the information provided by these two bestselling authors, and by getting some basic experience of trading on eBay, you will soon learn to see the possibilities of making money from online auctions.Once you become proficient at selling on eBay you might consider approaching companies and manufacturers who are willing to provide you with supplies of their products for you to sell on their behalf. Providing you can negotiate a suitable selling fee with room for a good profit margin, then finding a niche product that proves to be popular can lead you to a goldmine.Some ebayers are turning over tens of thousands of dollars in revenue every month! Some have even closed down their offline trading premises to trade solely on eBay. Such is the success of the eBay phenomenon.The most successful merchants on eBay are known as ‘power sellers’ Next time you visit eBay look out for the power sellers and take notice of how they run their business. Take particular note of how they promote their products using powerful descriptive headlines and text, as well as high quality images that showcase their products to the best advantage. Their excellent after sales service and customer relations help them achieve a top feedback rating which builds trust among new and old customers alike, who are happy to deal with them again and again. Emulate their success by following the same techniques and principles they employ to make big sales.

How to Make a Blog Popular

How to Make a Blog Popular
There are some great tips to make a blog popular.These tips increases visitors to your blog.1. Try to submit/add your blog to blog directories or blog communities like

2. Tell your friends & relatives about your blog.3. Mention your blog address in visiting card, letter heads etc.4. When you write email try to mention your blog address too in it.5. Make your each and every posts easy to read.6. Give the name of your blog in the main URL.7. Give comments to other blogs and put your blog link there.8. Write posts in a simple and clear language.9. Make your blog popular through content.10. Update your blog regularly or weekly not in months.11. Make Patience because a blog take a long to become famous.These above "11 WAYS TO MAKE A BLOG POPULAR" will really help you to move traffic to your site.

Earn Money By Google Adsense part2

Earn Money By Google Adsense
Three ways to make money by Google AdsenseIf you have blog/website then you can earn money by three ways by putting Google Adsense to your blog.Adsense For ContentAdsense For SearchReferralsAdsense For Content: By using this you can put ads that are relevant to your blog/site’s content.There are two types of Adsense for content you can put on your blog.
Ad UnitBy using Ad unit you can display Text Ads, Image Ads and both to your site/blog.
Link UnitBy using Link unit you can display list of topics that are related to your page.Google program policy permits you to place three Ad unit and one Link unit on any page.Adsense For Search: By using this you can put a Google Search box to your site/blog. So visitors may use this to search the web as well as you blog. Google puts ads on the search results pages and you earn money. So it is better to have a search box in your blog/site. Try to put Google Search box at the top of the sidebar. I find it is the best location for it. You can customize Google search box according to your need.Google program policy permits upto two search box at any web page.Referrals: By using this you can refer your visitors for useful products and services and you can earn money. Google referrals are :Google AdsenseGoogle AdwordsFirefox with Google ToolbarGoogle packGoogle program policy allows you to place one referrals per product means upto four referrals on any page.If somebody joined for Google Adsense by your referral and he earns $5 within 180 days of signup. You will earn $5 means you will be paid $5 by google. Isn’t it great. If the same person who joined Google Adsense earns $100 within 180 days of signup and eligible for payout then you will earn $250 and your account will be credited to $250 and many more.

Earn Money By Google Adsense II

Earn Money By Google Adsense II
What is Google Adsense :Google Adsense is an advertising program through which you can earn money by displaying Ads on your blog/website.If you are blogging and want to earn money through your blog put Google Adsense ads in your blog. Google ads are related to your content. When user click on any of the Google ads you will earn money. Google Adsense provides relevant text ads and image ads that you can put in your blog/website and earn money. Google provides you relevant CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) Ads.Adsense For Search : If you join Google Adsense program you can put Adsense search box to your site/blog. When visitors visits your site and they can search from your blog/site and Google puts relevant ads on the search result pages and you earn money

Earn Money At home

How to Earn Money by BlogEarn Money By Audio Advertisment From Your Blog Earn Money With Smorty Earn Money Writing Blog Post Another Concept To Earn Money By Reading Emails Earn Money By Reading Emails Earn Money By Writing Post Earn Money By Putting A Text Link Add Into Sidebar Of A Blog Earn Money By Google Adsense II Earn Money By Google Adsense Earn Money By Audio Advertisment From Your Blog If you have a blog or website and want to earn money with them join Pay Per Play.What is PPP:PPP means Pay Per Play. It is Audio ads, which you may run on your blog/website. When visitor visits your website/blog, audio ads will be played and you are paid for each play. You can also run this type of ads along with other ads like Google Adsense.What is the duration of Audio Ads: By default the duration of the Audio advertisement is 5 seconds. Means whenever any visitor visits the blog/website it will be played for 5 seconds.How to register with it: Click the link below and follow the instructions. Once you are registered for it you may start playing ads on your blog/website and start making money.http://www.sellingppp.comReferral Earning:You can also earn money by referring others for this type of opportunity.What you have to do to run PPP ads on your/blog or website: Once you are registered with this website they will give you java script code you have to installed the given code into your website/blog.Clicking on Ads not required: It is a PPP ads so clicking on any kind of ads not required. Whenever visitors visits such website PPP ads automatically played for 5 seconds.How many ads will be played: Whenever visitor visits such website only one ads will be played.Earn Money With Smorty

join again and look whats new

Choose Template:Step 11: Now after clicking “Continue” button you will be presented third step to create a blog that “Choose a template” here you can choose a template for your blog from variety of template click “Preview template” link to preview your blog. If you choose a template from here then also you can change it later.

join again and look whats new

Please Note : If you don’t have a Google account then skip the step 7.Step 8: If you don’t have a Google account then you have to create one. For this you have to fill the form as shown above type in your Email address. You must have an email address then Enter a password and Retype your password. Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Password and Retype password must be same. Now type in your Display name. This name will be used as a signature of post. Type in Verification word in the given text box. Then read the terms of service by clicking “Terms Of Service” link. If you agree with the terms of service then check the “I accept terms of service” check box. Then click “Continue” button to continue the blog creation process.

join again and look whats new

Step by step procedure to create a Blog in BloggerCreate an account:Step 5: Now Click at “CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW”.Step 6: You will be presented a first step to create a blog “Create a Google account”.Step 7: If you already have a Gmail or Google Groups or Orkut account then first you have to signin by clicking at “Sign in First” link. Then you will be presented Google account signing in page. Sign in to Google account by typing in there your Id and Password.

Earn Money With Blogging

Earn Money With Blogging
+ Step by step procedure to create a Blog in Blogger + How to Earn Money by Blog + How to make a Blog Popular + Blogging Tips and Tricks 1-Step by step procedure to create a Blog in BloggerHere I am going to show you that how to create a blog in Blogger. Thanks to Blogger which have given us a great facility to create a blog abosolutely free. Step 1: Start your favorite web browser.Step 2: Type in in address bar of your browser.Step 3: You will be taken to the Blogger’s home page.Step 4: Scroll down a little bit then page will be shown like following picture.You can create a blog easily and quickly in Blogger. There are three steps you have to do to create a blog.Create an account >> Name your Blog >> Choose a templa